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Cemetery Regulations consultation has now ended

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Cemetery Regulations consultation. We have had a great response rate, with 59 surveys returned. We much appreciate the time taken to give us your views.

The survey results will provide us with invaluable data to help inform our regulations. Analysis of the results and what they tell us is currently underway and will be made available for you to view as soon as we are able.

We aim to discuss the feedback from the consultation at Cabinet on 28 February 2024 and implement any necessary changes.

Once approved our cemetery regulations will be available on the Bereavement Services pages on the Council website. (details to follow).

If you have any queries or need more information, please contact our dedicated cemeteries team – email:

Posted on 22nd January 2024

by East Devon District Council

Have your say on the future of East Devon's cemetery regulations

We have recently updated our cemetery regulations and we are asking the people of East Devon what they think about the proposal to apply a single set of regulations to all three cemeteries: Seaton, Sidbury and Sidmouth.

We welcome the views of residents, elected members, businesses, and trade groups on these draft proposals.

The consultation is open for seven weeks and will close on Monday 22 January 2024.

To read our new cemetery regulations and to get involved in the consultation, please click here:

Posted on 4th December 2023

by East Devon District Council